Showing posts with label Basic medicare coverage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic medicare coverage. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Medicare & Medigap Plan A Basics!

Plan A is basic to all medicare coverage.  It is an individual option as well as a part of all enhanced optional coverage. Here is an outline that includes what Medicare Plan A covers and how a Medigap Plan A may be utilized with it.  As always . your questions are welcomed!  Call me, Kathy Hope, at 800-792-9114.

Plan A Coverage 
Is Included In All 10 Plans
Medicare Part A pays for hospitalizations for the 1st 60 days but only pays a portion of the daily costs from the 61st day through the 150th day.  You must pay the coinsurance amounts for those days.  
Medigap Plan A pays the coinsurance amount for those days and provides an additional 365 lifetime days.  
Medicare pays for all blood that is medically necessary except for the first three pints in each calendar year.
Medigap Plan A pays for the first three pints of blood not paid for by Medicare. 
Medical Expenses:
Generally Medicare Part B pays for 80% of a predetermined amount (called the "Medicare approved" amount) for each procedure, supply, or service billed by your doctor or other provider that is not a hospital. 
Medigap Plan A pays the coinsurance (generally 20% of the "Medicare approved" amount) under Medicare Part B.
Note the definitions of deductible & co-insurance
Deductible - must be paid before medicare activates.
Co-insurance - After deductible and paid in addition to medicare covera